Is your child struggling to reach their learning potential?
We can help.

It’s very common for children to struggle at important stages of their academic career, needing help and guidance to achieve the results you hope for them.

Our free booklet is designed to help you support your child today.


“Support must be focused on a child’s readiness to learn, which defines academic performance.”

our approach

We focus on the child.
Not the curriculum.

For a child to reach their learning potential, they need to be ready to learn. Schools and tutors focus on delivering the learning, in the limited time they have with individual students. They are not well equipped to focus on and develop personal skills so integral to a child being ready to learn.

Starting with a baseline Learning Readiness Score which highlights areas needing attention,  we seek to understand your child and the challenges they may be facing, creating an action plan to allow them to move forwards.

“When too much focus is on teaching the curriculum, with little attention placed on a child’s readiness to learn, barriers to learning can grow.”

We can help with any of these challenges your child may be facing:

  • It is important to identify the root cause, before developing the skills and mindset to overcome this challenge.

  • As exams draw closer the pressure to perform increases exponentially.

    Fear of failure can compound negative behaviour, so we begin by changing students’ perceptions around failure, helping them to harness it in order to make progress.

  • Confidence can ebb and flow. No-one is immune to a crisis of confidence.

    A mentor is well-placed to be able to spend the time necessary to bring confidence levels back to where they need to be.

  • With a few exercises introduced and embedded, this challenge can usually be dealt with fairly quickly.

  • More reading is NOT the answer.

    Effective revision strategies are easy to understand but difficult to master, which is why schools struggle to support students in this area - they don’t have the time nor the oversight of home.

  • This can be for a whole host of reasons, so again, it is important to identify the root cause(s).

    Some typical reasons are:

    • Not revising the right material

    • Only focusing on what they feel confident about

    • Misinterpreting teacher/tutor feedback

    • Infrequency of revision

    • Not having a system for repetitively self-testing

  • Once again, identifying the root cause(s) is important to help a student begin to see the situation from a different perspective, and ultimately adopt a different mindset to alter the behaviour.

what we do

At Breakthrough Approach, we help your child reach their learning potential.

We do this through 1:1 mentoring support, providing motivation and guidance to help your child overcome any barriers to learning.  

The challenges above are not treated with more study time and greater study effort, because without the root causes of the issues being recognised, the treatment usually fails.

It requires a new approach to learning and understanding the child’s readiness to learn and the personal support they may need.

  • Learning Readiness Survey

    Gain insight, direction and much needed clarity on your child’s learning potential to determine what is the next best step.

  • Homeschooling

    Homeschooling can be an excellent option for many children. We can help you to make the transition and create the right learning environment for your child.

  • Mentoring

    Our mentoring approach is designed to focus on the child, blending academic and personal elements together to help them overcome the barriers that may be holding them back.