Our frequently asked questions.

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  • Schools and tutors focus on learning, not readiness to learn. Your child’s readiness to learn will have the biggest impact on their ability to reach their potential.

  • No - counselling focuses on overall emotional wellbeing; without diagnosing issues.

    If your child’s overall lifestyle is impacted, rather than just their studying, then you may need to seek more specialised support; which we can offer advice on.

  • Tutors are subject matter experts, they may not be equipped to help with non academic issues that are holding your child back.

  • In a perfect world yes, but lack of time and resources means it’s not possible.

  • Schools don’t have the time or resources to make a meaningful difference.

    You can TRY but..

    Time - Schools often can’t provide the 1:1 attention that is required. (they already have to be supplemented with tutors)

    Resources - Schools may not have the experience and tools to help effectively. Children need support, guidance and motivation.

    Your priority - No-one will prioritise the needs of your child (and understand your child) more than you.

  • It’s possible you can help your child, but it might not be the BEST choice.

    Bias - We’re unbiased, neutral outsiders. As a parent, you might be too close to the child and unable to take the objective perspective that is needed.

    Experience - we have years of experience helping students reach their learning potential and know how best to tackle certain barriers.

    Strategies - We have a range of techniques to find what works best for your child.

    Time - It takes many hours of dedicated planning and support to help a child, could you commit the time required to make it a success?

  • In theory, yes, but in reality no.

    You need a specialist in understanding the child and how to ready them for learning, not just a tutor who might be a little understanding…

    Mentoring precedes tutoring - the child must be ready to learn to reach their potential.